All hostels in IIT Bombay have a tradition of celebrating its Valedictory Function (Valfi) for the passing out junta just before the final endsems. We have 10 UG hostels and therefore we'll be having 10 Valfis as such. At Valfi, we have hostel award ceremony, dinner and finally the profile reading. The profiles are prepared by wingmates, batchmates and close friends and all profiles have one thing in common - the whole profile but the final paragraph is pure bantering & slandering and only the final paragraph contains the goodie part about the guy. The profile reading is followed by a Q/A session and finally comes when the victim is allowed to speak his heart, popularly known as senti.
In H13, there were 5 stages set for a total of 110 'Batch of 2002' students. On each stage, it displayed photos (exquisite ones) of students whose profile would be read at that particular stage - I guess it was an innovative idea and it looked great.
I'll be covering Bajju and Jinx and this one is specially for our HLRC friends.
Bajju was my first friend at IIT. Our friendship grew stronger in the 2nd semester due to common thinking and common objects of criticism. I still remember the day when we returned on the first day of the third semester and we hugged like we were great childhood friends meeting after years. Over the years, our thoughts have parted ways and as he himself quoted in the senti part but then friendship seldom demands commonality in thoughts; all it asks for is acceptance and support of your friend.
Bajju's profile was mainly centered around his despogiri, chillergiri, kaminapan and his latest successes on the girl front. We were quite impressed by his openness and verity during the Q/A session where he talked openly on sex, his thinking, Bihari instincts, freebees, his girls, investment theory and its origin, the source of Bharpur and what not.

The best part of Bajju's profile was his senti. For one, quite unlike the people who spoke before him (these four years have given me a lot, best part of my life and blah blah), he didn't sound cliched at all. He was speaking from heart and finally through eyes too. Yeah, even I couldn't believe he would do so and on top of it, he dragged Kundan too in the wet zone. He ended beautifully with Mehdi Hasan's lines:
Agar tu ittefaqan mil bhi jaye, Teri Furqat ke sadme kam na honge
(Furqat means separation; so it means that 'Even if we happen to meet again incidentally, the scars of our first separation will never heal')
Love you Bajjy!
This was another profile I thought I can't afford to miss. Jinx is one of the few persons in IIT who have been able to greatly impress me - his diligence, determination and strength of character all awe me. The only stain in his personality, I would say, is his above average ego, but then he expects the world to be at a much higher level compared to where it is (mainly in intellectual terms).
His profile reading was simple and really lacked the masala which we had in Bajju's profile, but boss, the way he talked in the Q/A session was just too much to expect from a person like Ajinkya. Some glimpses:
1. When he came into IIT, he thought that the minimum criterion for any girl to become his girlfriend would be to be able to solve Physics problems at par with him. He found such girl in Shweta. And the best part was that he got a CC in the 1st Physics course, where Shweta I am sure would have got an AB or an AA.
2. The 2nd crush was PJ and well, after long discussions with PC about her availability and the feasibility analysis for taking any step further, it too resulted negative.
3. He and Pursha had designed a virtual feedback loop for Sneha (a painfully intelligent and diligent DASA). He had said once that he will marry Sneha, take her to Himalayas on honeymoon and will ditch her at the highest point and will come back for the good of all humanity.
4. Levels of give-up display of knowledge and brain usage by Abhinav Khare, one of the top rankers in the department.
5. The way he told Shweta (his present girlfriend) that 'Da Vinci Code' isn't available at IIT, so that he could meet her twice, first while taking and the second while returning back; his daydreams of walking from IIT to Sion and then propose her or to run after the bus she boards in and publicly propose her.
Phew! Those who were there couldn't stop laughing and this guy was speaking w/o even any further instigation. And the way he framed every case so vividly made his profile real special.
Hats off to you Jinx! Hope you get some good news soon!
Just another photo: Taken just before we departed!
better than anoniitian :)
just one suggestion. non iitians probably wont understand what profiles are. so that cud have been a little more detailed.
@ anonymous:
1. I think I've given brief but complete introdcution about that.
2. Please take some pain in writing your name as well.
Hey Dosi! wat a fundoo blog man :)
loved it... down to earth and a nice first hand view of IIT life in simple angrezi :)
have blogrolled you!
Dosi baba,
aaj kal likhna chod diya.. or are you just too busy burning stuff
-Tamraaj Khilwish
hi dosi,
first time at your blog, harboured here after couple of blog sailing.
i loved the "5 . someone" by bhagat and eversince was curious to know 'what actually happens at IIT'.
and man, i was truely suprised to find an exhaustive blog here.
have blogrolled you, will try to get more of IIT,
majja maadi
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