Sunday, May 14, 2006

Have I stopped blogging?

Not really! I know that it is more than a month that I posted but these were the final days at IITB – full of treats and lukkha interspersed with things like exams, CD writing, late night chats etc. The life literally had become so frivolous that you couldn’t expect good ideas or happenings to originate (especially purposeful). Actually a few ideas struck, but then I was too lazy and "busy" to ponder and write on them.
Thankfully, I have written down some of the titles which I can expand upon even now and I’ll try to do so. It also came to my mind that I can post some fillers (some things which aren’t my original but are worth sharing and expanding upon in the blog) but again the laziness factor crept into the picture.
I hope that after writing all this, I’d be able to continue with the blogging at least for the coming two months when I am free and I am home.

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